2023-09-08 08:30:19

Interesting. My kid gets his first piece of high-school homework. An 11-question quiz about Shakespeare.

He HAS done the homework. But I wondered: what would ChatGPT make of this?

By my reckoning, 4 of the 11 answers it gave were incorrect. And this is because some element of “interpretation” was required to answer the question.

The AI's aren't coming for us just yet!


2023-09-07 17:45:59

On the one hand, given how many electronic devices now have screw-in battery covers, this neat little 4-end pocket screwdriver is a really good lifehack.

On the other hand… I seem to have turned into the dad from The Mitchell’s vs the Machines!!!

2023-09-07 08:54:51

As of this week I’m the parent of a secondary/high school student! Eek!

A tech observation: would be great if phones had a “school mode” where they are effectively off, but can still be geolocated. For parental tracking but also for finding lost devices.

Is that a thing?

2023-09-06 22:08:53

I really want to be working on side projects, but I’m burning so much mental energy on being executive function for other people right now that I just need to chill once kids are in bed.

And this… this is literally FINE. 👍 It’s better than fine. It’s GOOD!!

2023-09-05 17:55:00

Ending this short thread with some wisdom:

Just because a programming language has weird, ambiguous syntax doesn’t mean you have to use it!

2023-09-05 17:53:07

Also, and f*** this:

You can optional-call an undefined function:

let undefinedFunc

is fine.

But you can’t optional-call an undeclared one:

-> “undeclaredFunc is not defined”

Even though:

typeof undefinedFunc
-> “undefined”

typeof undeclaredFunc
-> “undefined”


2023-09-05 17:46:05

New JS/TS syntax that I’m learning and that I don’t like:

1) Optionally chained function calls. This is just weird:

someFunction?.( params )

2) Ambiguous short function syntax that does not return an object:

const f = () => {
‘name’: ‘Ross’

2023-09-04 23:34:11

😎 Tooting my own horn again, but today, I – complete React and NextJS noob (kinda) – reviewed a small-but-mighty NextJS middleware change, found a bug, improved it, and then went and wrote tests for it too!

Go me!!!

(Actually very proud of myself today)

2023-09-01 23:20:08

Duolingo is so funny…

A listening exercise.

“Je voudrais un ________ de vin?”


a) verre
b) mer

Yes. I’d like a sea of wine please!

Sounds GREAT!!
