2023-08-16 23:17:54

EV bore content

Yay! We did an EV holiday in France!! A minor charging issue on the way home. But the car is such a delight to drive. Just cruised through the Normandy countryside eating up the hills, even with a full load and AC on.

2023-08-14 16:24:18

Love that I can do web stuff sometimes.

I realised this week that in Europe, electric cars measure efficiency totally differently to in the UK. They do kilowatt-hours per 100km, rather than miles per kWh. It's all backwards. And hard to translate in your head.

There are calculators online, but they all have gross cookies and ads on them.

So I made my own – with some other EV calculations too!


2023-08-10 22:53:59

Spider-Man Spoilers and Opinions

Saw Across the Spiderverse.

OK. OK. We get it. The animation and art direction is cool.

But what a long and drawn out movie. And way too over complicated.

And the ending?

Sod that.

I felt robbed!

2023-08-10 22:12:08

You know. I think my happiness with Mastodon is mostly down to my expectations of social media, which is, and always has been:

– I post in public and for me only. It’s micro-blogging. Recording my thoughts.
– If others read posts and share them then yay!

That’s it.

You can unfollow me. I can unfollow you. There’s nothing reciprocal. It’s publishing. Its like RSS. It’s entirely my business. You can do what you like with your own feed. And I can do what I like with mine.

2023-08-08 09:40:16

Ah heck. I’m now officially an EV infrastructure spotter.

Nice to have this very nearby, especially as we can’t charge on-street and have no off-street parking.

2023-08-07 17:15:53

Why is corporate business travel booking still so shit in 2023?

Twelve years since I had to do it and it’s no better.

Get your fancy AIs onto this problem, tech dudes!!!


2023-08-06 11:58:49

Re: this…

> Friendly reminder: if you see someone shoplifting food, no you didn't.

I saw someone being caught by security for shoplifting baby milk once.

Think about that.

2023-08-05 17:13:13

I've not read it yet, but the supposedly-excellent “Doughnut Economics" by Kate Raworth is 99p on Kindle and Kobo right now:


2023-08-04 23:36:01

This is a proper nice lifehack.

So many toys and devices take three batteries these days. And so many chargers only charge PAIRS of batteries (??).

This Panasonic eneloop charger charges INDIVIDUAL AA and AAA batteries in any combination.

SO good.

2023-08-04 23:28:49

One of the constraints of being employed (nearly two years now!!!) is that side projects aren't really a thing.

So I'm embracing constraints.

I have a secret little project that's SO good and I can see how it could quickly turn into “A Thing”.

But it will remain a little thing just for me. It does what *I* need it to. And that is enough.

On another project someone asked this week “Is this codebase still active?”

The answer was: “This code is finished”

Constraints are good. 😃

2023-08-02 21:51:24

🙌 What a wild ride this work week has been. Took responsibility for a lot of things. Got a bit frustrated that I had to. Wasn’t sure I’d handled it right. Then, today, had some glowing feedback and affirmation that I’m doing a lot of things very right.

I talk myself down a LOT so I’m gonna bathe in this.

I’m doing good at what I do. And I’m thankful for those that support and encourage me.

2023-08-01 20:11:29

So where are people getting all their statically compiled binaries from? Is there a reputable source? Or do I have to build them myself?