2024-06-30 16:09:54

I’m IN and ready to go on Monday from the new garden office.

I’d accumulated a LOT of stuff in my 10 years at the old place. So it’s a bit cluttered while I figure things out and downsize.

But we did it!!! 🤪😅🙌

2024-06-28 15:29:20

Tech help:

I have a NODE_ENV=production in my terminal but I don’t know what is setting it.

It’s ONLY there when I run iTerm. Regular terminal.app doesn’t have it.

I can’t find anything in my iTerm settings that would do this.

Any ideas?

2024-06-28 11:23:29

For Sale: Blue Yeti in white with Radius III shock mount.

As I pack up my office to head to my new garden studio I realise I have a spare “big mic”.

The Blue Yeti is a quality mic but it’s a sensitive condenser and not so good for noisy environments like mine.

The Radius III shock mount that’s also here helps a LOT!

Happy to take offers here before I eBay it or whatever.

(UK only please!)

2024-06-27 09:18:48

I mean, I KNOW that both of these things are people-vs-the-corporations things.

And I want BOTH of them – I want to be able to say "Hey, AI, don't scrape this", and also "Hey, don't cull huge swathes of the internet".

I WANT those things.

But the solutions are at odds with each other.

If we're saying STEAL IT then won't corporations steal our stuff and then say it was our idea?

2024-06-27 09:15:16

I just read:

"Paramount dumpstering the MTV archive should be a wakeup call. If there is something you care about, STEAL IT. If you want to read something in the future. DOWNLOAD IT. ARCHIVE IT. KEEP IT. MAKE IT YOURS."

And I'm really confused about the social contracts of the web.

On the one hand, copyrighted information shouldn't be scrapable unless we allow it (see recent AI scraping controversy).

On the other hand, we actively recommend stealing copyrighted work?

2024-06-26 09:38:07

An observation/speculation on recruiting a senior software developer:

The quality of female candidates is consistently higher.

I suspect (from what I’ve heard from other female devs) that they are trying hard because they feel they need to do more to prove themselves.

But if so this might imply that the male candidates are NOT trying hard.

And it’s a well paid senior gig. You should be trying hard!!

The alternative: women are just better engineers and are lining up to take over the world.

2024-06-25 23:27:17

The garden office was HOT today. But surprisingly not THAT hot. It was quite work-in-able.

Tomorrow it has the electrics wired up and then I should properly move out of the old office on Saturday. It will be the end of an era as I've worked from that little office for 10 years now!

2024-06-25 23:25:01

Jamie Marsland should do a WordPress "speed build" with some people who are not all that familiar with the block editor and how it works.

That would tell you a whole different set of things about to the speed builds with block-editor experts!

2024-06-21 08:57:51

For some reason this makes me think of all the other programming-pun products/services you could have. So let's start the day with that shall we?

I'll start.

Let's have a new chain of opticians called “C#”

2024-06-21 08:52:35

A mockup of a custom doormat with the HTML <footer> tag printed on it.

Definitely need a doormat for the new garden office.

And you're telling me I can't buy one of these off the shelf? I need to make it custom?


2024-06-20 09:38:04

I veered near Facebook for a minute. The drive for clickbait titles is insane. Here someone found an old penny and it turns out it's now worth… 54p? What?! Lol.

2024-06-19 17:13:14

The poor assembly crew weren’t sent with enough roof material! So they’ll be back tomorrow to finish it off.

But great job getting this up in a day!

2024-06-19 11:48:47

Huh. Today *I* learned…

The CSS attribute selector has a case-insensitive flag!


2024-06-19 09:26:02

Oh look. It’s a big pile of garden studio!

Two men (just two!) should have this transformed into a building by the end of the day.

I’ll be very impressed if they do!