2024-09-05 18:59:12

I know the response to the Minecraft Movie trailer has not been 100% positive, but it turns out that the music on it (and the sung parts) are by an acquaintance of mine!

That’s quite a gig!!!

2024-09-02 21:37:05

I still think… if you work in an environment where there is code review, you need to give the reviewer as MUCH information as you possibly can.

This might be in the code.

It might be in comments.

It might be in the pull request.

It might be in coding standards.

But I want context, descriptions, explaniers, and typehints.

And use tooling and standards to minimise questions.

Because writing questions well is effort!!

2024-09-02 21:32:26

Oh heaven help my. New colleagues. I basically can’t review code without type information. My brain can not do it. And I have so many opinions about how you should write and structure code.

I’m kind and many comments are phrased as questions or marked as optional/style/nitpick. But even so. It’s got to be rough! 😬

2024-09-01 16:40:32

I note that this would be a good Cards Against Humanity card:

“Thanks to the power of Facebook and some lovely members of the community, we have finally found __________.”

2024-09-01 16:39:07

There seemed to be a bit of a something going down in a Costa Cafe this afternoon. So I popped in to Facebook (a rare occurrence!) to check the local community notice board.

Nothing. So I searched for “Costa” in the group and the first result said…

“Thanks to the power of Facebook and some lovely members of staff at Costa…

…the teeth have been found!”

Which is great for the owner of the teeth. But also made me laugh out loud. Not what I was expecting.