2023-09-05 17:53:07

Also, and f*** this:

You can optional-call an undefined function:

let undefinedFunc

is fine.

But you can’t optional-call an undeclared one:

-> “undeclaredFunc is not defined”

Even though:

typeof undefinedFunc
-> “undefined”

typeof undeclaredFunc
-> “undefined”


2023-09-05 17:46:05

New JS/TS syntax that I’m learning and that I don’t like:

1) Optionally chained function calls. This is just weird:

someFunction?.( params )

2) Ambiguous short function syntax that does not return an object:

const f = () => {
‘name’: ‘Ross’

2023-09-04 23:34:11

😎 Tooting my own horn again, but today, I – complete React and NextJS noob (kinda) – reviewed a small-but-mighty NextJS middleware change, found a bug, improved it, and then went and wrote tests for it too!

Go me!!!

(Actually very proud of myself today)

2023-09-01 23:20:08

Duolingo is so funny…

A listening exercise.

“Je voudrais un ________ de vin?”


a) verre
b) mer

Yes. I’d like a sea of wine please!

Sounds GREAT!!


2023-08-29 20:00:30

If you know any good, senior-level front-end devs with React and NextJS skills who also do WordPress and are interested in or have used headless WP, that are looking for a job, do send them my way.

Also looking for unicorns, faries, and the Loch Ness Monster.

Oh, they could get to work with me and my awesome team! 🙌

2023-08-28 07:51:48

Are all non-fiction books now 10% content and 90% fluffy stories.

I’m sure this works for some people. But it drives me bananas and stops me reading interesting stuff.

It’s like:

All dogs have four legs.

Let me tell you about John. John is a dog. When he was born he had 4 legs. He continued to have 4 legs all through his life. He swam with 4 legs. He chased balls with 4 legs. There was this one time where we went hiking where he really put those legs to use. And yes, he died with four legs.

2023-08-27 16:24:42

Screengrab of a 2017 Jaguar XE car for sale on Facebook Marketplace. Claims to be excellent condition and low milage. Just £4,000!!

I'm swallowing my pride and putting some stuff on Facebook Marketplace to get rid of it quick.

Is this stuff for real?? This has GOT to be dodgy, right?

2023-08-25 09:21:10

Here’s an idea for all SaaS marketers:

How about a “Solo business” plan with all the business plan features, but without the constant marketing/prompts/nags to upgrade to a “team plan” with “team features”.


2023-08-24 23:42:16

It’s great that USB-C plugs go in both ways up. But man, you gotta find the tiny hole in the first place!

MagSafe still wins.