2023-07-23 09:42:36

You are probably wondering which direction that rain is moving in? And the answer is… err… well… none of them?

2023-07-23 09:39:30

Oh gosh. The weather gods are teasing us.

For those that aren’t following, the historic “Ashes” cricket grudge-match series between England and Australia is taking place.

Australia are the holders and are leading the series 2-1. If it’s a series draw they keep the “trophy”.

England have played a stunning fourth match. It’s the fifth and final day. And if the rain holds off long enough to play we are likely to win to level the series.

The match is played in Manchester. Here is the rain radar:

2023-07-23 08:42:44

After a period of not really having the time, energy or inspiration, I'm finally back in a hacking mindset and have a project in my head.

This is good.

But, Laravel, it's been too long… 😢

2023-07-22 11:52:07

And just to be clear, this is a completely regular WP install. Here's an edit of the Twenty Twenty Three theme.json file…

I see no reason this can't be made really simple to use for local, throwaway WP testing with no dependencies.

2023-07-22 10:02:15

When I first saw wp-now:


I wondered: why does this need npm and JS and WASM? Why hasn't anyone done this with static PHP binaries and some scripts?

So… while this currently requires some things to be pre-installed, I've done most the same thing (including using sqlite) with a simple bash script.

It's not (yet) as sophisticated. And perhaps there are still reasons not to do it. But let's see where it goes.

2023-07-20 08:37:49

Kerbal Space Program screen grab - a ridiculous rocket overloaded with solid fuel boosters that wobbles around, crashes spectacularly, and gets all flamey

My latest venture into “proper gaming” is Kerbal Space Program. It was, like, £8 on Steam.

I mentioned it to my son after he'd seen me play it a bit.

"Looks really slow and boring, dad”

Cue building ridiculous rockets overloaded with solid fuel boosters that wobble around, crash spectacularly, and get all flamey when they go too fast.

An hour of hilarity later…

Boring, huh? 😂

2023-07-18 20:46:08

😵‍💫 I don’t get why tech people find Mastodon hard.

They understand choosing servers/instances.

They understand the privacy issues of closed corporate-controlled networks.

They’re often proponents of open source.

They usually hate ads.

They like APIs and feeds and nerd stuff.

Confuses me greatly.

2023-07-17 10:58:16

npm question:

Are devDependencies transitive?

If I have Babel as a devDependency, do I get Babel’s devDependencies installed in my dev environment?

Or does npm only include MY devDependencies?

(Thinking out loud. I will try to find this out myself)

2023-07-17 09:23:46

The conversation was basically about what motivates us to do chores. Turns out I’m primarily motivated by consequences. “This job is important because if I don’t do it then this bad thing will happen”.

Which is not, it turns out, how everyone thinks!

2023-07-17 09:07:46

Is there some trait – possibly of neurodiverse minds – that’s like an intuitive, in-brain, fault tree analysis. Where, when presented with an idea, you very quickly understand the possible failure modes.

I thought maybe this was learned pessimism or catastrophising. But after a conversation with my wife at the weekend I’m wondering if it’s innate and a gift?

Also… really want to do a masters in Psychology right now.

2023-07-15 13:38:22

My son is now playing Zelda. He’s so much quicker at picking these things up than I am. Making me feel a bit stupid.

2023-07-13 17:37:12

The distant low rumbles and occasional closer roars are here. And it’s July.

It must be…

Royal International Air Tattoo weekend!!

2023-07-13 16:36:02

A very amateur gamer speaks:

So No Mans Sky was half price in the Steam Store. And I have a MacBook. And it works on Macs now. And their return policy is really good.

So I gave it a go to see if it was much better than the Switch version.

And Oh My Goodness this is why you all have Xboxes and stuff!! 😃

2023-07-11 18:22:44

It occurs to me that I don’t have a mental model for … hmm … dynamically “binding” stuff in React.

I want to compile some React thing that will load in the browser that uses an API provided by some other thing that someone else compiled that loads in the browser.

Seems simple but I’m scratching my head here.
