Current status: had a crazy idea. Now using AI to write code to interface with an AI.
Current status: had a crazy idea. Now using AI to write code to interface with an AI.
I was NEVER convinced about Web 3/Crypto. But this generative AI stuff isn’t gonna go away is it? I can’t see how this stops being present technology now.
I bought a monochrome HP Laserjet I-don’t-know-how-many years ago. It’s reliable, cheap to run, clean, quiet and efficient.
If I want photos printed I’ll go to a photo print shop. If I want colour stationary printed I’ll go to a local print shop.
One of the best tech decisions I ever made!
Here's how web browsing goes sometimes:
– Let's go change the date of those theatre tickets
– Need my password, open 1Password
– Hey, someone said that 1Password did something that I didn't think it did
– Open 1Password settings
– Oh, look, browsers have a built in interface for keyboard shortcuts for extensions. How does THAT work?
– Cool – works on both Chromium and Firefox and…
– Wait.. what was I doing?
Are there, like, DIY courses for teenagers. Because I really want my kids to have more skills than I do with this stuff. 😬
Ooooh! Just randomly chatting and came up with the super-retro-cool idea of a fax machine that receives via an email address that I can send selected email newsletters to and have them printed out when they arrive.
(They have, haven't they? Someone already did it?)
I'm also getting the "search modes" to show in the palette. This is kinda tricky, but I like it!
Working on Turbo Admin's keyboard shortcuts for #WordPress list-table navigation. Got the action links working! There's even shortcuts to focus the search input and to do pagination!!
Not guaranteed to work everywhere, but hopefully nice for some keyboard warriors!
Currently working on getting search modes to appear in the command palette in Turbo Admin. This will really help with discovery (Did you know you can search plugins? WooCommerce customers and orders? Gravity Forms?)
But so much nuance in this UI and implementation. Which post types to include. What's available to me in the API.
So I tried to build Turbo Admin for Safari and what happened?
It crashes Safari every time! 🤣
Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Or even how to start debugging.
Do people actually look at React and then at Vue or Alpine or Svelte and think: Yeah, I’ll choose React please?
I really don’t get it.
You have to do SO much stuff yourself.
I’m watching the #WordPress 6.2 product demo and wondering: what even IS WordPress now?
The database structure and dashboard are kinda redundant at this point.
It’s not clear where themes and plugins fit in.
It’s a whole new piece of software.
So why not just start again with a lighter-weight back end?
UK Politics / COVID
Just thinking about these Matt Hancock WhatsApp messages.
Is anyone asking why cabinet ministers were using WHATSAPP to communicate about policy?
That seems really wrong to me.
Kids homework help:
Please reply with your favourite fruit!
Thanks, Internet. 🙏
Oh my actual frickin goodness. What a line up on the Infinite Minkey Cage discussing mathematics:
– Hannah Fry
– Randall frickin Munroe !! (XKCD)
– Jo Brand
I am in such a cynical funk right now. So much spin and marketing BS everywhere. Very little I can get on board with.
Send me your fancy new idea if you want it torn to shreds. I’ll happily offer a curmudgeonly opinion.
I love @ivory, but is it a little over-aggressive in Draft-saving? 🤔
It this a bug? Or am I doing something wrong or not understanding something?
Was very surprised to find 36 drafts when, as far as I know, I've not saved any!
I love how this year’s Comic Relief merch works for World Book Day too!! 😃
I'm watching this controversial take-down of "clean code" on YouTube over lunch, and the most astounding thing about it is…
How good is that guy at writing backwards‽
My tennis class tonight was basically learning to throw a small ball in a straight line for a distance of about 1.5metres and discovering that’s really quite difficult.
I am mid-forties.
I can not throw a ball in a straight line.