2023-02-10 12:24:45

Over on Twitter someone has asked for photos of your oldest book.

Depends what you mean by oldest!

SICP was written in ‘85 but I didn’t own it until ‘95

The Little LISPer was published two years later, but I owned it a year or two earlier.

2023-02-09 15:28:24

I’ve never done WordCamp Europe. But I got looking through the attendee list and genuinely might seriously consider it purely to meet and hang out with some of my favourite online people.

2023-02-09 10:07:04

Has anyone built an AI that I can run presentations through that expands all acronyms to their longform versions?

Why are there so many abbreviations?

Does it actually help the reader/viewer? Or is it the content producer being lazy and/or gatekeeping?

2023-02-09 08:25:35

These layoffs are now getting far too close to home. Sad for everyone involved here. 🙁

(And in ALL the places I know that have had layoffs/redundancies this week)

2023-02-08 08:52:33

“Hey, ChatGPT…

Write me a story about a builder called ‘Beaver’ who goes on a quest. He should be aided or hindered (you decide) by a series of friends or villains: a scientist called ‘Rocket’; a wizard called ‘Varnish’; and a dragon called ‘Cloudflare’.

The quest is to discover the contents of the mysterious cache, and deliver it to Prince DOM.

The quest is ultimately successful but only accomplished by the solving of numerous, complex and inter-related puzzles”

2023-02-02 15:41:30

The beautiful cover of the book “Engineering Management for the rest of us” by Sarah Drasner

I’m not a manager, and I don’t really aspire to be one. But this book comes so highly recommended and I want to devour it in one sitting!!

2023-02-02 08:01:20

When was that “Blue Monday” officially-most-depressing-day-of-the-year? And why is it not over yet?

The news today is crap.

Yesterday was crap.

My body is old and crapping out.

Can it just be spring now please?!

2023-02-01 23:11:45

I swear I am making the slowest progress of any player ever on No Mans Sky, but I’m enjoying just pootling around.

Today alone I:
– Discovered it’s easy and safe to just shoot Sentinels
– Found that swimming is fun
– Made my Cadmium Hyperdrive (!!)

Question though: is there any point at all to exploring half-buried ancient buildings?

2023-01-31 20:48:42

I've been looking for a way to get a reading list that works between browsers and machines and platforms, and that ties in nicely with an existing tool.

I don't want to have to push to Pocket or something.

I don't want to use something that syncs with iCloud.

Today I discovered that Raindrop.io does a GREAT job of this, and the apps even have a nice built-in reader UI! And it's super simple to then convert reading list items to bookmarks! Yay!!

2023-01-31 20:18:46

Photo of a cake decorated with a picture of a sloth - the animal type!

My daughter wanted a sloth cake for her birthday.

I wondered if this was because she was seven, and that she maybe also wanted an envy cake and a pride cake etc… and a gluttony cake!!

But no…

2023-01-31 20:08:24

I’ve had a bit of a break from “making”. Have been reading and playing. But there is creating to be done again.

Sadly, I think the first job is making the Turbo Admin compatible with Manifest v3.

This is annoying busy-work.

I may have to fire up No Mans Sky again instead!

2023-01-30 09:21:27

I’m back on the “Learning React.js” train.

Learning basic components and composing.

And I can’t help thinking:

We’ve really not come that far since Dreamweaver, have we?