2024-04-02 23:12:07

… But now, not only do you not really know what a is, you don’t know what x is either.

And so you shove a ? on the type of x (or things x can become) and off you go again!

Catch errors and absences early. Don’t half-ass your type system… USE IT!

2024-04-02 22:59:51

Coding thoughts:

The combination of optional/nullable types and optional chaining gives you so much temptation to write bad code.

It’s become so easy to just add a little ? here and a “| null” there to quickly fix some error you saw.

But it’s a trap!!

Once you start they breed like crazy through your codebase.

It’s weird for me to see:

x = a?.b?.c

Because if you have an a then you should know that you have a b and a c! (I know this is not the case with TypeScript)

2024-04-02 22:14:44

I’ve been working with it for a while now and I still think that the React eco system is a series of complex and fragile kludges that only exist because everyone wanted to use React. Bundlers. Transpilers. CSS-in-JS. HTML-in-JS. CSS-in-HTML-in-JS. SSR. ISR.

My opinion, of course. I just don’t get it. Maybe I had a bad introduction to it or something. But that spark of understanding simply hasn’t come despite months of open minded exploration.

2024-04-01 08:54:08

I honestly thought I’d had every possible cold/flu bug these last six months. But here I am, in bed, with every inch of my body hurting.

What happened this year?!

2024-03-31 09:24:09

Nice BBC article on aphantasia (not being able to see images in your mind):

Aphantasia: Why I cannot picture my children in my mind https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-68675976

2024-03-29 17:57:47

This smartphone desktop robot thing does look super cute and fun. But also looks super data-slurpy:

“All your precious, ephemeral moments are now kept by him”

“Always observing his surroundings… LOOI can analyze everything he sees”

Also they overdid the gimmicks. And I’d never buy hardware on kickstarter.

Fun idea though.


2024-03-28 10:21:22

Idea: Gyms should have “quiet sessions” for introverts and neurodiverse folks. The lights and music are SO annoying. 😬

2024-03-24 19:57:36

Ah poop. My only decent local bike shop just closed. Sad times. Need a service and maybe a new freewheel too. Where do I go now‽

2024-03-23 10:44:38

Dear Parents


I’d like to draw your attention to the increasing problem of dangerous parking on the school grounds.

There have been recent incidents involving a large carriage and a submersible boat.

There are clear markings and rules around parking. And contravention of these rules poses a danger to students, staff, and the local community.

Mr Snape will be patrolling the grounds to make sure any illegally parked vehicles are moved on.

Best wishes

Prof Dumbledore