2023-01-21 18:51:50

Cripes. Finally watching Moana for family film night. The animation is crazy! Fabrics. Dancing. Water. Fire. Sand. A zillion flowers and leaves.


2023-01-21 17:58:17


Is there not a domain service that groups things together and lets you bulk-renew with one annual payment/price?

I'd LOVE that.

(I'd also probably hate it)

2023-01-21 17:57:14

I'm book keeping. I have a lot of small invoices from Cloudflare for domains.

They make is SO easy.

Do you know how?

1) They email me the invoices so they're in the same place as MOST of my other invoices and don't need me to log in.
2) The PDF's attached to the invoice are named "cloudflare-<year>-<month>-<day>.pdf"

You have no idea how much these stupid little things matter when reconciling and uploading receipts!

2023-01-21 08:55:36

I love this post from @rhyswynne about video games.

I'm not a big gamer, but having recently started playing a "Big Proper Game" I TOTALLY see gaming as entertainment and art that we should be allowed to indulge in and enjoy.


2023-01-19 22:35:55

Why delete the Twitter app?

I have more than 3,000 followers over there. That's important and valuable. So I want to keep posting and engaging at least.

But deleting the app is a vote. A signal. A voice. I'm a single user in an ocean of others. But maybe it counts for something.

2023-01-19 22:28:37

No more third party apps. Well, I'm actually deleting the Twitter app from my phone then.

Sad times.

Will check in on desktop occasionally.

End of an era. Twitter literally changed my life in so many positive ways.


2023-01-18 08:23:52

I’m still a genius.

Lifehack time.

I got a water flosser last year. Which is great for cleaning your teeth.

But today I realised it’s basically a miniature household power washer.

I just used it to unblock the plug in my bathroom sink.

In seconds!

And gave it a clean too.


2023-01-16 12:26:42

Kinda happy with how my low-water, low-mess, low-noise coffee station is turning out in the office.

Lots of compromises. But making lots of nice brews here!

2023-01-16 10:31:58

Seems I have decided to properly embrace Blue Monday this year. Weather’s crap. I need sleep. I think I’m going to eat every single molecule of carbohydrate that I come across.

2023-01-15 17:26:24

Tried to add PHPCS and PHPStan to this too. Gosh, coding standards are painful to set up.

Seems like some WordPress standards aren't compatible with running them in phpcs on PHP8.0 😬

2023-01-14 20:43:08

Does anyone know what Geometry Dash is? (Context: I do, but I’ve never heard anyone else mention it on social media)

If you do, do you know the story behind it? Why is it suddenly popular? It’s like 5 years old‽
Is it a TikTok thing or something?