02/01/2018, 22:23

Anyone that’s known me for more than about 5 minutes will know that I care VERY little for fashion.

But I got this super-smart new coat in the sales and I LOVE it and am quite excited about it.

I might even take a selfie!

01/01/2018, 20:58

Tried creating a long post on my blog using WordPress Gutenberg on my iPad.

1) It’s just too complicated when all I want is text + images + embeds. I didn’t want blocks. I wanted to just turn it off.

2) They’ve tried hard on mobile/touch devices, but it needs much more work.

01/01/2018, 14:12

I fell asleep before midnight. I’ve had a lovely walk & lunch with brilliant friends. 2018 is here!

Happy New Year everyone. May you learn & grow. May you have peace & be a blessing to others. May you celebrate the good & have strength in the bad.

Let’s do this!

30/12/2017, 13:26

2) Say “no” more…somehow.
3) Automate more
4) Tick off small admin jobs more quickly/often
5) Reduce notifications
6) Have SPECIFIC times for learning/reading/side projects

30/12/2017, 13:24

Thinking about my plans for 2018. I’ve never really done Inbox Zero. But think I might now have the tools needed to do it. So 1) Aim for Inbox Zero

19/12/2017, 08:21

Weird but good side-effect of deleting the iOS Facebook app in response to this week’s Laracasts Snippet podcast: vastly improved battery life on my phone!

03/12/2017, 12:28

Here is the challenge of sustainability.

“Love Food – Hate Waste”
“Film – Plastic – Not currently recycled”

A single campaign in isolation is not enough. We need to understand the tradeoffs.

24/11/2017, 20:08

The problem with having a kid who’s a) really small for his age and b) really good at cycling is that you go:

Balance bike -> 12″ -> 16″ -> 20″


Balance bike -> 14″ -> 20″

This is a delightful, if expensive, problem to have!

21/11/2017, 13:07

Survived cycle-assassination attempt this morning. Notes to driver:

1) NO, it is NOT acceptable to overtake cyclists on roundabouts

2) You MUST be prepared to stop at a roundabout, look right, and give way

20/11/2017, 11:47

“a next generation crypto-currency and decentralized application platform, written entirely in JavaScript” – ???

Anyone else think this is like using a blunt pencil to do brain surgery?

19/11/2017, 23:11

And yes, we totally take the internet for granted. With any other family IT query I’d be sending pictures, or screen-sharing or getting him to allow remote access to help him out. Without internet I was working blind and that was what made it so hard.