I’m certain that Uncle Bob knows FAR more about CS and coding that I do, and yet I find myself repeatedly & strongly disagreeing with him. e.g. I’m not much into TDD but surely TDD catches a different class of errors than those picked up by strong typing? (See here)

Funny how, for many of us, “disconnected” and “analogue” are now “treats”. Connected, digital is default.

Inspired by Rob Bell talking of our need for more “boredom” and my beautiful Birthday pen. Think I’ll be writing more.

It’s 7:30. She’s been up for about 3.5 hours. So, naturally, she’s figuring out how to play Junior Scrabble

Small child quote of the day “I can talk and not talk at the same time!”

Been reflecting on my Webpack learning experience. I THINK the problem is that it’s TOO flexible. It needs opinions or decisions to be made.

Voted! #thankyoutoday for our messy, imperfect, but beautiful democracy.

Design critiquing and grammar checking election leaflets. It’s not the point. But I can’t help thinking that if you can’t proof read…?

Why are sleeping and eating – two basic and vital human functions – the two most difficult things to get young children to do?!

Home from holiday! After:

Up a 5:15am
Pack car to leave caravan by ten.
A day at Monkey World.
A three hour non-stop (almost) drive home.

What a great week though. Love Dorset!! Great weather. Feeling blessed too.

Ah. Just found the WordPress “Update services” setting. Should speed up posts to https://micro.blog

Yes! 24 Things That Aren’t Completely Awful About Swindon (Though one of them is still ‘there’s nice places nearby’) https://www.buzzfeed.com/clarewilson/things-that-arent-completely-awful-about-swindon

The amazing thing about making the Swapsies app was less the building-an-app part, but more just how quickly you can now:
* buy a domain
* deploy an app to cheap cloud hosting
* set up HTTPS for free
* deploy subsequent changes
Web development really has come on a lot. The tools are SO powerful now.

Inspired by conversations this morning, I made an (incomplete) online thingy for listing your Lego Card swapsies. https://swaptheworld.uk/ – it’s not amazing and is standard Bootstrap styling, but good coding practice!

Reminded of something I heard last week: ‘love, grace, joy, connection, solidarity; what makes the whole thing matter, there is no shortage of that and it can’t be divided’

Is it me or are household garden strimmers one of the worst executed good ideas? Or am I just using it all wrong? The line is forever breaking. Surely someone has solved this problem?!