Trying out the Mac App. Hmm…
13/11/2017, 11:23
Me to cold sales email: Please delete me – your cold calling makes you look desperate and I don’t want your services.
Reply: “Certainly not desperate to get clients. With X, Y and Z to name a few recently coming on board business has been thriving.”
13/11/2017, 11:19
Twitter should let people write “threads” or long posts *with titles* so we can skim through the feed easily.
People could then write these on websites. Twitter could pull in the content using feeds.
Imagine, then, if there was an open feed protocol & free publishing software?!
09/11/2017, 10:48
Great quote I heard yesterday: “Complaining uses up energy that could be used to ask questions”.
I’m definitely going to try to ask rather than complain in future. Catch me if I get that wrong!
Quote from:
09/11/2017, 10:47
Notes, links, slides, and follow-up video tutorials from my talk on Dev Tools at the Cheltenham WordPress Meetup last night, all at
05/11/2017, 19:57
So, in possibly the most 1st-world, middle-class piece of bad news, I think I might be allergic to red wine!
25/10/2017, 09:29
Random thought. In Star Wars Ep. 4 the trash compactor’s magnetic sealing deflects blaster bolts. So why don’t people have magnetic shields?
13/10/2017, 13:35
Considering a major service provider switch. Possible new provider:
a) copies a yahoo address on response to my enquiry
b) doesn’t have HTTPS
c) doesn’t have a privacy policy
When I’m your target market for important stuff, these are the things that matter!
Small signs of Autumn
I’m very much NOT a visually creative person, but today have found myself doodling/sketching for a little project! The iPad is very forgiving and seems to add a flourish!
21/09/2017, 11:54
Daddy day. No naps, it would seem. Send stronger coffee.
18/09/2017, 09:15
I said something similar myself a while back. Unicorns probably exist, but as the name implies, they’re VERY rare:
18/09/2017, 09:13
Oh, this is a breath of common-sense scented fresh air from Brad Frost on “Full stack developers”
08/09/2017, 21:47
So we survived our first school summer holiday. And the first week back in year 1. But… I feel like I have NO IDEA how school works.
07/09/2017, 18:31
“Algorithm design may be THE big design problem of the 21st century”.
Essential listen: The Age of the Algorithm
31/08/2017, 19:59
Brilliant. Meeting Achievement Stickers:
29/08/2017, 22:02
This is amazing: “when you’re walking around…you see lots of people. But you don’t really see them…You’re like a cow looking at cars.”
29/08/2017, 21:58
Wow. A spambot has been discovered and has 711 million email address records. Some with associated passwords.
28/08/2017, 21:40
R2D2’d a bike helmet today! ?
28/08/2017, 20:58
Yay! Microblog WordPress plugin I made now has a posting widget! 🙂