2024-07-18 23:51:49

Cranking out updates this week!

Turbo Admin 1.15 is here with a big update to List Table Keyboard Shortcuts.

That’s a clumsy name, but it means you now get keyboard access to:

– Items in most“list tables” (posts, pages, comments, WooCommerce Orders and Products, etc) (‘J’, ‘K’ on keyboard, ‘Enter' to select)
– Focus search on list tables (‘/‘ on keyboard)
– Pagination of these tables ('Ctrl-F' and 'Ctrl-B’)


2024-07-18 12:52:39

“I’ve been doing this for YEARS and there’s hardly a week that goes by that I don’t learn about a new horrifying way to accidentally cause a breaking change… the rules are too complex, there’s too many of them, it’s too easy to break them without noticing … The real answer here is the tooling just need to be good.”

Great Short from @changelog !


2024-07-16 23:58:57

Fun getting stuck into Turbo Admin again. Nearly completed one of my favourite long-outstanding features: keyboard shortcuts for list tables!!

This makes + Turbo Admin nicely keyboard driven for most core screens + WooCommerce!

Hopefully coming soon to the extension and plugin. Because, if nothing else, *I WANT IT!!!!*

2024-07-16 12:51:41

I keep seeing recommendations for the board/card game “Splendor”. Can someone please tell me more. What is it and why is it so good?

2024-07-16 09:11:49

I like my car. It’s a massive privilege to own it. But wow is car ownership expensive and annoying and borderline scammy.

Today I’m having a small plastic triangle replaced.


Not covered under warranty because the old part broke off and was lost. Despite it being REALLY obvious that it just broke off for no reason.

I probably should just adjust my expectations of how much anything car-related costs.

2024-07-15 20:52:55

Yay! I finally got a Turbo Admin browser extension update out.

This is for all the folks who start up lots of new sites and get annoyed by:
– The Welcome Panel
– The Help guides on the editor screens
– The Choose-a-Pattern modal on the New Page screen

The “Auto-remove block-editor welcome screen” option now removes all of these things automatically! On ALL your WordPress dashboards!!

Update to v1.14 in your browser, or try it out at turbo-admin.com/

2024-07-14 09:19:18

I should also note that yes, while diagnosing this, my script did create a subdirectory of my current working directory called “~”.

And yes, I DID then try to delete that with the command:

“rm -rf ~”


(Backups are your friend)

2024-07-14 08:37:54

Weirdly I could not find a way to replicate shell-expansion of file paths (like “~/test1”) in PHP or Laravel.

Is this because it wouldn’t work cross-platform?

Ended up doing this, but it doesn’t seem ideal.

exec(“echo $filepath”, $output);
$fullpath = $output[0];

Context: I’m passing a CLI option like “path=~/test1”

2024-07-14 08:26:33

I’m aiming to get an update to Turbo Admin out soon.

Before I do that I wanted a quick way to spin up temporary local sites.

So I got some fixes done for my CLI tool that does exactly that!

Sadly, the name I wanted to use for this is now being used by another project. 😢

I’m also not really allowed to promote such a tool. But know that it exists!!

2024-07-12 09:00:02

I’m having FOMO for both WordCamp Canada and WordCamp Whitley Bay in the UK.

Need to get meeting my WordPress friends again soon!!!

2024-07-10 22:29:08

Sportsball/England Kickmen observations

It’s probably just some weird bias/perception thing, but in all these England football games, they’ve seemed fine when in possession, but I feel like every time there was a counter attack they just got sliced apart. Every counter has felt like a moment of peril.

Is that just me?

2024-07-10 19:48:50

So what did I learn in new job land today? More “How to use a mouse” tricks? Or “How not to create symlinks?”

No. I learned that, in the website programming language I’ve used for, like, 14 years, request or POST variables are only populated for requests with certain Content-Type’s.

If you POST an API request with JSON content to plain PHP, you won’t get ANYTHING in the $_POST superglobal.

How have I not found this before? Have I just been spoilt by frameworks?

2024-07-08 20:33:23

Best thing I learned in my first day of new job:

Shift-scrollwheel does horizontal scrolling.

On the one hand: How did I not know that?!

On the other hand: How was I supposed to know that?!
