I hate that I’m spending so much time thinking about … A CAR!!
Really hope it’s temporary.
Please send pictures of nice bikes!!
I hate that I’m spending so much time thinking about … A CAR!!
Really hope it’s temporary.
Please send pictures of nice bikes!!
Someone had commented implying that my battery issue was an EV problem.
It wasn’t.
It was a vehicle electronics issue.
The same thing would have happened with the equivalent ICE or hybrid car.
The irony is that I had 20kWh of power in the car but was not able to use any of it to power the cars electronics!! 😂
So, hilariously, my fancy new EV broke today. Wouldn’t turn on!! How?
Well, the good news is that the 40kWh main battery is fine.
But there’s also a regular 12v battery that powers…well…everything that’s not the motor. Locks, lights, sound, displays, electronics.
And it turns out that everything turns off when you open the drivers door. But this is NOT the case for the passenger door.
So the media display was left on, the 12v battery drained, and the car was dead.
I’m writing an EV (electric vehicle) "cheat sheet” that tries to combine all the different terminology and units into one, independent, succinct, place.
It's in-progress, but nearly complete now.
When researching EV's I found there were lots of articles and videos about the individual topics, but not a place to quickly learn the basics of everything. So this should fix that.
Please send corrections if anything is wrong. Thanks. I hope this is useful for someone.
I’m sorry. I’m really really sorry. But I tried the latest version of the Gutenberg plugin for WordPress and the UI is just getting worse. I don’t know how this is happening. I don’t even know how to start describing the issues. We’re really at sunk cost fallacy time. Maybe block editing is OK (it’s not, IMO)? But the way pages have been put into the site editor and the way the command centre has been plopped into the UI in several places with inconsistent affordances.
I know it’s beta. But…
Actually reading the manual for my new (electric) car.
Kinda feel like this deserves to be more prominent! 😬
🤔 Did some training today on biases in the workplace. Really helpful.
I reflected that I don’t judge/stereotype people based on race/gender/colour.
But I’ll completely assume who you are from your communication style and tech choices!
👷 I’m at the point where I want to just round up all the brilliant people I’ve worked with and start some kind of software agency with them.
THAT would be amazing.
I work with and have worked with some completely brilliant people.
What a joy!!
☕ I’m more and more convinced that people are missing out on good coffee because “dark roast” has been marketed as “strong” and people want “strong” coffee.
I’m just loving lighter roasts gently filtered.
(Such a #coffeeSnob 😂)
⚠️ Testing an integration…
“We should stop using JavaScript. It has so many congenital defects. It really is a smelly language. There’s just a lot of crap in it.”
– Douglas Crockford, inventor of JSON, author of “JavaScript: The Good Parts”
Really boring traits that I’m increasingly valuing highly in both myself and others:
– Strong curiosity that doesn’t want mysteries unsolved
– The ability and desire to share knowledge, not hoard it
– The desire to write stuff down because you know you will forget it and others might want to know it
– The ability and patience to write clear and detailed instructions
This is cool. We should make some of our own tools:
On the upside: I know have a fancy grey saloon car.
On the downside: So does everyone else!! 😬
Putting all of the “late June" end-of-school-year activities in my calendar.
Why is so much of the “fun" stuff at school about public performance and being overly-sociable?
– Residential trips
– Theatrical productions
– "Sports" Day
Where is "Sitting in a quiet room and doing cool nerdy shit on your own day”?
Buying this thing has been a mental sprint. I went from “Oh heck, this old car is on its last legs” about two weeks ago to owning today and I’m exhausted with all the research and decision making. Mostly I’m glad it’s done and I don’t have to think about it any more.
Well. We have an EV. It’s the most expensive thing I’ve ever owned apart from my house (for reference, previous car cost about £7,000 in 2012).
It’s AMAZING!! I’m super happy. We need to do a long drive to properly test it, but I did 50 miles today in a mix of environments (urban, hilly rural and motorway) with A/C on most of the way and it still had 78%.
I’ll forget how to drive (cos of auto + all the whizzy assists) and there are so many gadgets that could go wrong. But we made a good buy. 😃
Oh my. My wife gave me this for my birthday. Does she want to spend less time with me for some reason? 😂❤️😘
Eek! Tomorrow I become an electric vehicle owner!!! 😬😃🙌