12/06/2018, 06:54

Is there a YouTube channel dedicated to showing dads who’ve never had long hair how to manage their 3yo daughter’s long hair?!

11/06/2018, 08:41

For a while I’ve been asking people to buy me “consumable” stuff like nice food treats for birthday and Christmas. This year EVERYONE took that request seriously, and I now have LOTS of nice beer, chocolate, biscuits, coffee and cake. Thanks to all who contributed!! 😃

10/06/2018, 18:48

I don’t even know what most of the non-tech news is about any more. There literally seem to be 3 or 4 big stories in the last week that have blown up on Twitter that I have no clue about. 🤷‍♂️

09/06/2018, 06:57

Trying to work out exactly WHAT Google Analytics does with personal identifying cookies. The _gid cookie seems to persist across sites, even when signed out. But I can find no reference to its use, and it’s not used in the new user deletion API. Anyone know more about this?

09/06/2018, 06:57

And actually, it’s REALLY hard to find out what Google do with the _gid cookie, which appears to be set and appears to personally identify you across different sites that use Google Analytics. There’s nothing in the Google data dashboard.

09/06/2018, 06:56

The more I dig into the question “Does Google Analytics require end-user consent”, the more I think the answer is “yes”, and the more I realise why so many websites turned on consent-driven cookie notices on May 25th.

09/06/2018, 06:48

It probably won’t happen soon, but I should document what my issues are with JS. Some of it is ingrained behaviour & old ways of doing things that I need to shake off. But I also think JS is pretty lacking in some areas. Perhaps those opinions also need to change? #learnToLoveJS

09/06/2018, 06:44

And yes, I’m aware that “speed” of a language isn’t a huge factor. Writing efficient code has a far bigger effect. So I gues the question really is: does the language help you write efficient code? #learnToLoveJS

09/06/2018, 06:43

What I couldn’t find was details of when bytecode compilation is done & if a Node or browser process keeps any kind of cached compiled code (bytecode or object code) for future execution/requests. My guess is that Node, at least, would do this. References anyone?! #learnToLoveJS

09/06/2018, 06:43

In my quest to #learnToLoveJS today I looked into the basics of V8 architecture to see just how JS becomes object code. I’m relatively convinced of its speed. It’s hard to know exactly how good and efficient garbage collection is, but the marketing is good! 😉👏

09/06/2018, 06:38

[“SOLO” SPOILER] Watched Solo on kid’s teacher training day this week. Great movie. But totally confused about WHEN it happened. Han signs up to fight for the Empire, but then Darth Maul (?) pops up?

09/06/2018, 06:37

Oh, come on Argos – get your website team to sort this out please. Both of these are completely valid formats. 🙄

09/06/2018, 06:35

Yeah. I just complained about free stuff. That’s bad form. I apologise.

But this is the physical equivalent of a cookie banner, a “do you want to give us some feedback” pop up (yes, I do: kill the pop-up!!!), and a message telling me to disable my ad blocker.

09/06/2018, 06:35

[MOAN] The brain power required to use this load of @BootsUK vouchers is insane. I run my own business, have two small children and a wife on crutches. I don’t have time to think hard about this stuff. JUST MAKE THINGS CHEAPER!!!

09/06/2018, 06:33

This week, while podcast listening, I had a bit of a revelation about campaigning. Want to write it up but have NO time. Hope it doesn’t just drain from my brain.