25/10/2017, 09:29

Random thought. In Star Wars Ep. 4 the trash compactor’s magnetic sealing deflects blaster bolts. So why don’t people have magnetic shields?

13/10/2017, 13:35

Considering a major service provider switch. Possible new provider:

a) copies a yahoo address on response to my enquiry
b) doesn’t have HTTPS
c) doesn’t have a privacy policy


When I’m your target market for important stuff, these are the things that matter!


I’m very much NOT a visually creative person, but today have found myself doodling/sketching for a little project! The iPad is very forgiving and seems to add a flourish!

08/09/2017, 21:47

So we survived our first school summer holiday. And the first week back in year 1. But… I feel like I have NO IDEA how school works.

29/08/2017, 22:02

This is amazing: “when you’re walking around…you see lots of people. But you don’t really see them…You’re like a cow looking at cars.”

16/08/2017, 14:12

I feel like it’s a very special thing to actually enjoy an annual meeting with your accountant. Thank you Jessica!!!