2023-01-14 20:43:08

Does anyone know what Geometry Dash is? (Context: I do, but I’ve never heard anyone else mention it on social media)

If you do, do you know the story behind it? Why is it suddenly popular? It’s like 5 years old‽
Is it a TikTok thing or something?

2023-01-13 21:50:59

I've not done for ages, but I'd love to share:

@aurooba whose 5-minute podcast experiment is wisdom and joy, and inspired me to make things

@jessitron, who's philosophical insight is matched by the energy with which she communicates it.

Thanks to both for all that you share with us!

2023-01-13 20:10:48

Well here we are. You know what I’ve been saying for literally years now? I’ve been saying “Hey, Twitter! How about you let me PAY for Twitter “Pro” that’s ad-free (because I don’t click the damn things anyway) and that lets me use a fully functional API.

Yes: productize the API! Everyone that wants it values it. They’re probably already paying for a third-party client app.

This is what Twitter Blue should be.

And now it’s likely gone.

Sad times.

2023-01-12 09:30:29

@jordibruin Hey! Just wanted to say hi and thank you for Soosee.

Aral Balkan boosted a post of mine about allergy detecting using Apple Shortcuts, and it got a TON of interest as a result.

I’ve been referring loads of people to your brilliant app. So I hope you do well out of it too.

Great work! And thanks again.

2023-01-12 09:20:05

Phew! Thanks for all the fave's, boosts, follows and conversations. I've replied to as many of you as I can and have loved all the tips and conversation.

And thanks again to @aral for the huge boost!

If you liked the food-ingredient scanner shortcut it's here for you to tinker with:


Use entirely at your own risk and not for severe allergies/intolerances.

These apps also look great:



2023-01-11 19:31:43

I didn’t even know it was possible to go viral on Mastodon. This is crazy. Getting about 4 favourites per minute and no sign of it stopping! 😂

Thanks for all the love and boosting. You’ve made my day!

2023-01-11 15:32:32

A screengrab of Apple's Shortcuts app showing a "Citrus Check" shortcut that does:

1. Take 1 photo with Back camera
2. Extract text from Photo
3. Change Text from image to lowercase
4. If Updated text contains "citric"
then show alert "Don't eat this"

I’m a frickin genius.

Context: my kid is mildly allergic to citric acid and citric fruit. Brings out eczema. And citric acid is in SO many things. And it’s painful checking ingredients lists for it.

This morning I wondered: can my phone OCR the ingredients list and check it?

My first thought was to make a little web app. But there doesn’t seem to be a OCR in web browsers yet.

But I KNOW my phone can get text from images.


Apple Shortcuts!!!