2023-02-25 12:49:52

My very intelligent wife has pointed out that these could be formed by dropping ingredients into circular moulds.

She is probably right.

There probably are not small waste triangles.

2023-02-25 12:30:13

I can’t help thinking that somewhere there are a load of caramel waffle triangles that go to waste and that square stroopwaffles would be a much better idea.

2023-02-25 07:23:55

I had an interesting cycling experience yesterday.

A van overtook me wide but on the approach to a pinch point.

When this happens I tend to shout and point ahead at the danger.

He flagged me down a little further up the road to ask what he’d done wrong. After all, he'd given me 2 metres.

Which was fair, but he’d had to accelerate hard uphill and then had to swerve in at me to get through the chiccane.

It's not just about giving cyclists width, folks.

2023-02-23 22:47:57

Nice to get some little changes and fixes done on Turbo Admin tonight:
– Some caching of API responses to improve performance
– Add some more staging URLs
– Sort the GitHub-is-WordPress-aint-it? issue

Will probably push a release out soon. This seems minor but will include the change to Manifest v3 which is kinda big!

2023-02-20 15:59:12

Every now and then I have a day with my kids where I feel like I can do this dad thing. It’s sadly rare. People tell me I'm doing a great job. But days when I FEEL like it are few and far between.

Today is one of them. And I'm SOOOOO grateful for it.

Also: The Mitchells vs the Machines is SUCH a funny and brilliant film. And wow I had to hold in a few tears at the end.

2023-02-19 23:19:29

Spent most of my evening fixing up Turbo Admin to work as a Manifest v3 extension.

Think I've nailed it. Chrome AND Firefox!!

Still doing some stuff a bit brute-force for now.

Will hopefully write up some stuff, if I remember. Because the docs are pretty poor and there's weirdness!

2023-02-19 16:06:06

So weird seeing this place emptied of water.

And so sad to see the old haunt neglected. So many memories here.

This is the Oasis in Swindon.


2023-02-19 10:24:34

OK. What am missing. I want a smartphone app that lets my kid (10/11) communicate with friends in a group.

– No lower age limit
– Parental control over contacts/groups
– Cross platform
– Push notifications
– I’m happy to self-host a server
– No big tech

Does this exist?

2023-02-15 09:40:13

@aurooba Would you be willing to say more about "… my faith in headless is not fully there …" because I'm desperately trying to get on board with headless myself and I'm wondering what it is that hold YOU back.

2023-02-13 22:54:00

1. Go to see how much a flight to Athens is.

2. Get ridiculously overwhelmed.

3. Decide I’m probably never going to fly again.

4. Wonder if anyone actually enjoys this process?

2023-02-13 16:58:53

Tried to describe my job at the weekend to an older, less technical person:

– if there’s architects and builders for buildings then there are the same for websites. I’m a builder.
– Well, actually, I’m building the tools that builders use. So I’m like DeWalt or Ryobi.
– Hmm. Well. In fact:
Imagine that I’m the janitor who looks after the DeWalt store building where other builders buy the tools they use for building.
– Does this make ANY sense?! 😂

2023-02-10 12:24:45

Over on Twitter someone has asked for photos of your oldest book.

Depends what you mean by oldest!

SICP was written in ‘85 but I didn’t own it until ‘95

The Little LISPer was published two years later, but I owned it a year or two earlier.