2023-03-18 10:11:07

A moment of self-awareness.

I’ve now tinkered with generative code AI APIs.

And I find myself in the position of thinking: “I’m not entirely happy with this technology existing, but I’ve played with it, and it’s really fun!”

Which is where most people started with crypto and NFT’s.


2023-03-18 08:56:09

Well, this AI stuff is pretty fun to play with.

How about proper "magic" methods in ?

These did NOT exist before I called them.

They are cached for repeat calls. The AI only generates them once.

2023-03-15 23:25:47

I was NEVER convinced about Web 3/Crypto. But this generative AI stuff isn’t gonna go away is it? I can’t see how this stops being present technology now.

2023-03-15 23:17:47

I bought a monochrome HP Laserjet I-don’t-know-how-many years ago. It’s reliable, cheap to run, clean, quiet and efficient.

If I want photos printed I’ll go to a photo print shop. If I want colour stationary printed I’ll go to a local print shop.

One of the best tech decisions I ever made!


2023-03-14 20:04:26

Here's how web browsing goes sometimes:

– Let's go change the date of those theatre tickets
– Need my password, open 1Password
– Hey, someone said that 1Password did something that I didn't think it did
– Open 1Password settings
– Oh, look, browsers have a built in interface for keyboard shortcuts for extensions. How does THAT work?
– Cool – works on both Chromium and Firefox and…
– Wait.. what was I doing?

2023-03-13 22:34:07

Are there, like, DIY courses for teenagers. Because I really want my kids to have more skills than I do with this stuff. 😬

2023-03-13 22:12:26

Ooooh! Just randomly chatting and came up with the super-retro-cool idea of a fax machine that receives via an email address that I can send selected email newsletters to and have them printed out when they arrive.


(They have, haven't they? Someone already did it?)

2023-03-12 22:51:23

Working on Turbo Admin's keyboard shortcuts for list-table navigation. Got the action links working! There's even shortcuts to focus the search input and to do pagination!!

Not guaranteed to work everywhere, but hopefully nice for some keyboard warriors!

2023-03-11 14:34:11

Currently working on getting search modes to appear in the command palette in Turbo Admin. This will really help with discovery (Did you know you can search plugins? WooCommerce customers and orders? Gravity Forms?)

But so much nuance in this UI and implementation. Which post types to include. What's available to me in the API.

2023-03-11 14:25:26

So I tried to build Turbo Admin for Safari and what happened?

It crashes Safari every time! 🤣

Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Or even how to start debugging.