Yay! Microblog WordPress plugin I made now has a posting widget! ๐
28/08/2017, 19:40
Wow. Local dept store closed after fox falls through ceiling panel. “obviously being in House of Fraser is not where she wants to be.” I know that feeling!
28/08/2017, 11:30
Testing the new widget in my microblog plugin.
16/08/2017, 14:12
I feel like itโs a very special thing to actually enjoy an annual meeting with your accountant. Thank you Jessica!!!
16/08/2017, 05:51
I love some of these drainage ideas! Rain Chains & Musical Drains: Downspout Alternatives Put Drainage on Display http://99percentinvisible.org/article/rain-chains-creative-downspout-alternatives-put-water-drainage-display/
15/08/2017, 19:53
If you’ve seen my “UX is for Everyone” talk, you’ll know home links are non-trivial: Best Practices for Homepage Links https://www.nngroup.com/articles/homepage-links/ (If you’ve not seen the talk it’s https://wordpress.tv/2016/05/28/ross-wintle-user-experience-its-for-everyone/)
15/08/2017, 19:49
Nicely done: Above the fold is a myth. http://abovethefold.fyi/
15/08/2017, 19:29
This 99% Invisible podcast episode on how the stethoscope changed medical diagnosis and culture is fascinating. http://99percentinvisible.org/episode/the-stethoscope/
15/08/2017, 18:40
Ah. Just remembered how hashtags in micro.blog+WordPress SHOULD work: it should actually create a WP tag! Need to make that happen.
15/08/2017, 18:39
#platformsILikeButNoOneUses Anchor doing clever audio stuff: Anchor can now transform podcasts into shareable videos https://www.theverge.com/2017/8/8/16106924/anchor-podcast-social-videos-twitter-facebook-instagram
15/08/2017, 18:38
Seems drones are the new turtles: An eight-year-old reviews a codeable Parrot drone https://www.theverge.com/2017/8/8/16112014/tynker-drone-flying-parrot-mambo-review
15/08/2017, 18:37
Oh. Nice. Nested tags in my favourite notes app (Bear)! Didn’t know about that! http://www.bear-writer.com/blog/nested-tags/
15/08/2017, 18:33
There’s some serious geekery going on on the other side of my office this week. Nice to come back from holiday to!
15/08/2017, 18:31
So I tried a Monzo card while on holiday. Interesting. Sign-up UX & support is good. Still not convinced of benefits with my usage patterns.
15/08/2017, 11:57
15/08/2017, 11:55
Agh. It only did one #hashtag. Never mind. More sometime soon.
15/08/2017, 11:54
Cool. So with that simple (for now) plugin, when posting from the micro.blog app, URL’s become links, #hashtags do something clever, and I pinched @Colinwalker’s title setting code too. #winning!
15/08/2017, 11:51
Made a MicroBlog tools plugin for WordPress…testing: https://github.com/rosswintle/microblog-tools
Gah! Stupid link formatting in micro.blog + WordPress. Time to make that plugin!
Interesting stuff on user tracking in WordPress and the new “Gutenberg” editor. https://wptavern.com/user-tracking-to-be-removed-from-gutenberg-in-upcoming-0-8-0-release